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Ugly and Broke :)


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Hey to whoever is reading this. You can call me Sanchez. Man I'm glad I found this site, it'll be a good way to vent all the emotional lows I go through now and again.


We can start off with my main problem. I just feel ugly. Quite a few people have called me this and it's brought my self-esteem down so much. Some my own friends, whether they're joking or not, I'm just tired of it. Now I don't know whether to accept it and move on, or keep telling myself I am attractive.

I wish I had someone to confide these things with. It just feels as though if I tell my family or friends, theyll start to treat me differently. That's a problem with me, is that I keep too much to myself though. It's a major reason as to why my last relationship failed which I would give anything to go back in time and fix.


I dont want these insecurities to limit how or what I do in life, but it's hard when you have had negativity hitting you your whole life.

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Hey there Sanchez,

We are soooo glad you found us too, we’re here for you :)


I’m sorry you are feeling ugly. This is a really common feeling for a lot of us, but you have to know that you are not. People who are supposed to be your friends should not call you ugly either. Have you tried speaking to them about why they say that to you?


You are right - you have to keep telling yourself that you are beautiful, and you are! Beauty exists both inside and outside. Have you tried saying affirmations to yourself in the mirror in the morning before you leave the house. I try this. Sometimes they can even be really silly like.


I am unstoppable

I am beautiful.

I am a great friend.

I make the best pancakes.

I am hot stuff.


It’s been proven to help and even if you don’t believe it yet - positive thinking can turn into positive being. I’m sorry your life has had a lot of negativity - sharing with someone can really help lighten the load. Do you have anyone else you can confide in? Sometimes your family and friends may surprise you that they are able to give support.


I hope this helps and feel free to let me know how this goes for you.


Have a watch of this



and read this...






Edited by Remi

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