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that is really sad that you are ebing bullied. i am too but not for race or anything but because i am a bit tomboyish.

have you told a teacher or your parents? they will be able to help you and stop the people that are bullying you. try and ignore it and remember you do belong here.

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Hi Belle96,


It is really important you know that what you are experiencing is in no way your fault-you are not to blame for what is happening to you. Always remember the person bullying you is the one with the issue, not you.


When someone is making you feel uncomfortable at school, you have every right to report it to a teacher immediately, if you haven't already. Please don't suffer in silence and tell someone you trust 100% if you are not ready to tell a teacher yet.


It is very upsetting and stressful to be on the receiving end of racist jokes. It can also begin to impact other areas of our lives, so it's vital you get a strong support system around you. Which is exactly why I'm here to make sure you don't feel on your own in dealing with this. ??


Would you feel safe talking directly to the person who started making the jokes? We know that it can be really scary to do this but the only thing worse is ignoring it and allowing yourself to feel bad over a long period of time and on the plus side it can be an effective way of stopping it.


Have a read of our guide on how to talk to bullies for ideas. Im always here if you want to talk any of it through. ??




-peach311 ?

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  • 5 months later...



Haters gonna hate,

Potatoes gonna potate.


I just remember this every time some calls me "that weird one" and poof, all happy. Hope this works for you :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I am from Germany and i am Jewish.

people make racist AND sexist jokes/remarks about me all the time

they have told me to go back to the Ghettos in Germany


Just remember. People who do this are haters, they will hate, and they are beneath you, keep strong and be proud :)


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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey Belle96,

I know what its like. Please don't shut yourself out it will make you feel worse, stand up for yourself and just be you. Easy for me to say but seriously no. I've been there, done that. At first I just let it go but it got far worst than annoying and I just had enough because I don't want to feel like "something is wrong with being born in a different place, race, culture, religion" or any other things people seem to complicate these days.

You know your worth. You don't deserve to be a leftover or treated like you have a disease, that's plain nonsense. The truth is, people are often quite scared of other people who are unique - that you're different (just in a way), you stand out, you have a light in you like a light bulb.

You know, light bulbs are always placed in high places right? Because they're meant to shine all over the place. Everything is going to be fine; go to school, have fun, find friends, do crazy things and show them that there's a lot more to you than meets the label.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Belle,

I hope I can understand at least part of your situation as a minority not only in my community, but also in my family. If I can't, though, just know that we've all got your back. That's what this community's for.

If you ever need to talk, you can message directly.

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  • 1 year later...

In my country, we have an ad where it says: "Haters gonna hate. Reply to that hate with love!" and there is a boy who's being bullied on the internet and he just replies: "I love you too hater!"

People make comments about my Christianity too, but I just laugh with people and I don´t let it tear me down. In reality, I don´t really care and neither should you!

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